Few general notes about generating themes.
  • The themes are generated on a remote server. Timings may vary but it might take between 20-40s for a run.
  • Regular license holders can generate 5 themes per day.
  • If zip extension is available on the server, the theme will be updated automatically.
  • If the extension is not available, you will need to upload the archive you'll be getting onto the following directory : public/css/theme.
  • When updating your site, remember to backup your public/css/theme folder and restore it after the update.

Primary color code

Theme primary color hex code. EG: #cb0c9f

Gradient color start from

Theme's primary gradient - start from, color hex code. EG: #7928CA

Gradient color ends on

Theme's primary gradient - ends on, color hex code. EG: #FF0080

Include RTL versions

Choose if RTL version of the theme should be generated or not. If enabled, theme generation time will increase.